1490 Nanton Ave
BC V6H 2E2
Friday, April 29, 7pm – 9pm, and Saturday, April 30, 11am – 1pm, come and witness a virtual midi link being created between a Vancouver organ and Perth, Australia!
In the spirit of the success and theme of last Saturday’s international Organ Day, Vancouver Centre’s vice president Michael Dirk will host a virtual organ link up to Perth, Australia, this Friday and Saturday, culminating with performing on the 109-stop organ of St Patrick Basilica at a future date. https://fremantlestpatricks.org.au/basilica-organs-specifications/
Doors will be open to the public at St. John’s Shaughnessy Anglican Church this Friday April 29th 6-8pm, and Saturday April 30th 10am-noon (see detailed schedule below), while we link up and experiment with Australian correspondent Matt Bray’s digital studio. (The link up with St Patrick’s will be at a later date once we confirm the midi link success). SSOS technician Steve Miller of Calgary will be coordinating the Midi capability of the SJS Hallman.
This initiative is funded by a Canada Arts Council grant, and spearheaded by BC interior organist/composer Gilles Parenteau.
-controlling expression pedal or pistons from a wireless midi finger ring!