By Susan Ohannesian
On Saturday, May 7 from 11am-1pm at West Vancouver United Church, the Vancouver Centre held an organ masterclass with Alexander Weimann.
The organ at WVUC is a two-manual Baroque- style tracker organ built by Martin Pasi, with a straight pedalboard, and the four players chose appropriate pieces to play on the instrument and to hear Alex Weimann’s comments on early music, which is his specialty.
It was a very helpful and insightful experience for the four players and the handful of auditors who listened to Alex Weimann speak, demonstrate, dialogue and answer questions.
Susan Ohannesian played the Aria and first 3 Variations of Bach’s Goldberg Variations. Cindy Ma played Buxtehude’s Toccata in F major, BuxWV 156. Isaac Howie played Sweelinck’s Fantasia Cromatica and PJ Jansen played Böhm’s Praeludium und Fuge in a-moll.
It was great to finally have this masterclass which had been put off for just over two years because of Covid 19.